Fundusz Sektora Mieszkań na Wynajem Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty Aktywów Niepublicznych

What does the fund do?

Fundusz Sektora Mieszkań na Wynajem (Rental Housing Fund) is the first institution in Poland which offers the lease of comfortable apartments in attractive locations. The lease takes place on commercial terms.

The fund invests in residential projects. These buildings must include on the ground floor a commercial area supplementing the main residential function.

The fund invests only through the purchase of entire buildings.

Each entity that proposes a project with the rate of return compliant with the investment strategy may become the investment partner of the fund.

What purposes or projects are implemented by the fund?

  • Increase in the available number of apartments for rent and professionalisation of the residential rental market.
  • Creation of a market of institutional investors acting in this segment.
  • Promotion of high-standard apartments at attractive prices and in convenient locations.

Who may benefit from the Fund?

  • Local governments and Social Housing Societies
  • Private Investors

How does the financing by the Fundusz Sektora Mieszkań na Wynajem function?

Possible forms of financing include the acquisition of: shares or bonds of project companies established to carry out investment projects.

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Area of operation

Projects can be implemented throughout the territory of Poland. Due to demand on the part of tenants and specific standards connected with transport, we mainly choose locations in large cities: Warsaw, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocław, Poznań or Gdańsk.

Apartments available through the fund are characterised by high standard, affordable price and attractive location in terms of transport.

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The construction should be completed in a period of 1.5 to 2 years (depending on the project).

It is assumed that apartments will be leased for 30 years.

Structure of shares after the investment by the fund

The fund is always the majority shareholder – in this way it retains control over the special purpose entity.

What needs to be done to receive financing?


First a local government or private investor must submit information about the location where they plan to build apartments.


Next the fund analyses the information and project. On this basis, the fund takes the decision on the form and the amount of financing.

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Fund in short:

Type of financing

Apartment for rent

Amount of support

Non-financial support

Availability date


Intended beneficiaries

private individuals

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Territorial scope


Important information

The fund may invest in a project in cooperation with investment partners that, on their own behalf, hold the ownership title or perpetual usufruct right to real properties.

These real properties must be developed with buildings with a dominant residential function or have such a possibility.

SFDR Classification

The fund is classified as an Article 6 fund under the EU Sustainable Funding Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which means that sustainability risk is taken into account in the investment decision-making process.

Sustainability risk in the SFDR is defined as: an environmental, social, or governance event, or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment arising from an adverse sustainability impact.

The principles for for considering sustainability risks in investment decisions are set out in the "Strategy for incorporating sustainability risks into PFR TFI S.A.'s investment decision-making process." which is available on that page.

Management of the fund

Logo PFR Nieruchomości

Record of Investment Funds

RFI 1013

Abbreviated name of the fund


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