Learn more about Employee Capital Plans

An Employee Capital Plan is a common and voluntary saving system for employees, created and co-financed by employers and the State.

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The ECP programme is one of social solidarity and responsibility for employers, employees and the State. ECPs were created for employees to help them save and multiply their private savings for their future – irrespective of the pension system. At the same time, an ECP expresses the employers’ responsibility for employees and their families. It is also a programme characterised by very important social and economic dimensions. In teaching systematic long-term saving, it helps lay the foundations for a stable national economy.

See a video with the most important information about ECPs

By promoting systematic, long-term savings, Employee Capital Plans help strengthen the foundation of a stable economy.

What is the purpose of ECPs?

Financial security of employees and their families
Saving for future in a simple and safe manner
Favourable structure of household savings
Releasing local capital
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How does ECPs work?

The basic premise of Employee Capital Plans (ECPs) are regular contributions made over the long term.

All payments funded by the employer and the employee are transferred by the employer to the financial institution managing the program, where they are deposited into the participant's individual account. The funds are invested in a defined-date fund – tailored to their age.

The amount of the basic payment made by the employer is 1.5% of the employee's gross salary. The employer may decide to make an additional contribution, which can be up to 2.5% of that salary. In turn, the basic payment from the employee is 2% of their gross salary. The employee also has the option to increase their contribution by an additional payment, which can be up to another 2% of the salary. Payments from the employee will be deducted from the salary, but increased by payments funded by the employer and the state remain their private property - in the form of an investment for the future.

It is worth noting that people with the lowest earnings, whose amount does not exceed 1.2 times the minimum wage, can reduce their basic payment to 0.5% of their salary. Importantly, reducing the basic payment will not affect the amount of payments from the employer and subsidies from the state.

Savings funded by the employee and employer are supplemented by regular state subsidies. At the beginning of saving, each new participant receives a welcome payment of 250 PLN, and then an additional 240 PLN annually as a bonus for long-term saving.

To maximize the ease of use of the opportunities offered by ECPs, we have prepared a set of online tools for employees and employers. Thanks to the web service, each participant can quickly check the balance of funds in their account and submit orders, and the employer can efficiently manage the program. Meanwhile, thanks to calculators - both employees and employers - can check the amount of contributions and the estimated value of savings over a specified time horizon.

Check out what we have prepared for you!

Learn about the details of the program and our offer to the employer and participant and start
building your future with ECPs.

Who participates in PPK?

The functioning of ECPs is based on a tripartite contribution mechanism funded by the employee, employer, and the state. This synergy means that the amounts regularly deducted can build significant capital.


ECP – Building our future together

The main assumption of ECPs is their tripartite character. Funds saved on an ECP account come from three sources: the employee, the employer and the State.

What are the the Advantages of ECP

PPK benefits everyone - employees, employers, and the Polish economy. Read below what specifically you can gain from participating in ECPs.

Korzyści dla pracownika

W pierwszej kolejności na PPK zyskują pracownicy, bo to z myślą o nich został zaprojektowany program. Dzięki wpłatom pracodawcy i dopłatom od państwa, pracownicy oszczędzają więcej i efektywniej. Atutem programu jest też jego prostota – wpłaty odprowadza pracodawca, a pracownik nie musi wykonywać w zasadzie żadnych czynności związanych z bieżącą obsługą. Nie musi też znać produktów inwestycyjnych i wybierać strategii, ponieważ te kwestie reguluje ustawa, określając politykę inwestycyjną, która jest dostosowana do wieku pracowników. Środki zgromadzone na rachunku PPK są w pełni prywatne, dlatego w każdej chwili uczestnik ma do nich dostęp, a w razie potrzeby może je wykorzystać. Najkorzystniej zrobić to po osiągnięciu 60 roku życia, ale środki można też wypłacić wcześniej np. w przypadku choroby lub jako wkład własny przy zakupie domu czy mieszkania.

Contributions from employer, subsidies from state
Privacy and inheritance of funds
Exemption from capital gains tax
Automatic enrollment, voluntary participation
Higher life quality after retirement
Permanent access to the account

Benefits for the Employers

Employers can also benefit from introducing ECPs. The contributions they make to employees' individual accounts are a form of salary increase deferred over time. Moreover, exempting their contributions (both basic and additional) from pension and disability insurance contributions is a favorable solution from the employer's perspective. This provides employers with a new tool for motivating and rewarding employees, especially since they can decide to increase the contribution they finance up to 4% of the salary and tie its level to, for example, the length of service. The social and image aspect is also important - promoting participation in ECPs expresses employers' responsibility for the financial security of their employees and their families in the future.

A positive image in the labor market
Loyalty and easier acquisition of employees
Element of implementation of corporate social responsibility strategy
Contributions exempt from pension contributions
Expenses incurred are tax deductible
Assistance of the financial institution in fulfilling administrative obligations

Benefits for the Economy

ECPs also brings numerous benefits to the economy. All funds accumulated within ECPs are invested, meaning a new stream of capital. Experiences from other countries with similar programs show that they support the development of a stable capital market. In this way, by providing a source of financing for enterprises, it contributes to increasing the economic potential of the entire country.

Increasing the flow of capital in the economy
More favorable structure of household savings
Increasing the financial security of Poles
Strengthening the capital market
Building awareness of saving and financial education in society

Institutions in ECPs

The key role in the ECP system is played by companies from the Polish Development Fund Group, whose goal is to provide tools that foster development and invest in sustainable social and economic growth.

Polish Development Fund is responsible for organizing the system, including the registration of participants.

PFR Portal PPK conducts educational activities, training, and hosts a knowledge portal about ECPs at www.mojeppk.pl.

Meanwhile, PFR TFI acts as the designated institution, ensuring the continuity of managing participants' funds in case another financial institution managing the program is unable to provide services. PFR TFI also ensures universal access to ECPs for all employers. We are ready to sign an ECP management agreement with any interested entity. In managing ECPs, we use the knowledge and experience of the entire PFR Group and ensure that our offer best meets the market needs and fulfills customer expectations.

Along with the fulfilment of the designated institution’s obligations, we carry out activities under the same conditions as other Investment Fund Companies (Towarszystwa Funduszy Inwestycyjnych – TFI); that is why we care for the adjustment of what we offer to meet market needs and to fulfil the clients’ expectations.



  • records of participants
  • register of financial institutions offering ECPs



  • best practices in ECP management
  • widespread access to ECPs
  • support in ECP management for each employer and employee

PFR Portal PPK


  • training for employers
  • presentation of financial institutions
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