PFR Fundusz Funduszy Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty

What does the fund do?

What purposes or projects are implemented by the fund?

  • The preparation of the Polish economy for the challenges connected with globalisation and the impact of global social and economic trends.
  • Promotion of the Polish economy and support of the inflow of foreign investments into Poland.
  • Investing in sustainable social and economic development.
  • The fund complements the financing offer of PFR Ventures financial intermediaries, focusing on private equity investment funds.

Who may benefit from the fund?

  • Private equity funds
  • Traditional companies which need capital
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Area of operation and legal requirements

The private equity fund may receive financing provided that it commits to investing in Polish companies at least 50% of the portfolio or 4 times the capital commitment of the Fund.

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Structure of shares after the investment by the fund

The company in which the Fund invests always keeps the majority participation.

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Investment period

The fund invests in companies for up to 10 years. In a particularly justified situation, the investment time may be extended by 2 years.

How does the Fund function?

Fund operation is based on the intermediate model – with the selection of professional management teams (Private Equity funds)

The purposes of such solutions include:

  • increase in the programme’s effectiveness and range,
  • mobilisation of capital from private investors.

The Fund carries out investments on market terms

The selection is based on:

  • international market standards of such associations as: Institutional Limited Partners Association and Invest Europe, as well as on close cooperation with the world’s largest investors;
  • criteria included in the Fund’s investment strategy, with a special focus on the experience of the management team in working with portfolio companies and the creation of added value.

An important criterion of the selection of the private equity fund is whether part of the fund’s investment team is located in Poland.

Important information

The fund addresses the market gap identified in the Strategy for the PFR Group.

The creation of the Fund fits with the Strategy for Responsible Development and implements directly the PFR Group’s strategic purposes.

SFDR Classification

The fund is classified as an Article 6 fund under the EU Sustainable Funding Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which means that sustainability risk is taken into account in the investment decision-making process.

Sustainability risk in the SFDR is defined as: an environmental, social, or governance event, or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment arising from an adverse sustainability impact.

The principles for for considering sustainability risks in investment decisions are set out in the "Strategy for incorporating sustainability risks into PFR TFI S.A.'s investment decision-making process." which is available on that page.

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