Investment with Enprom in Germany

Investment Type
Debt financing
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Investment Type
Debt financing

At the end of 2023 the Polish International Development Fund entered into an investment agreement with Enprom. As part of the cooperation, the Enprom GmbH subsidiary received financing from the fund, which will allow it to intensify its development in the German market.

Fund share: 3,1 mln euro

Company profile

Enprom is one of the largest Polish companies in the electric power construction sector. The company is involved in the construction of switchgear, transformer stations and cable and overhead transmission lines. It uses the latest technologies and innovative solutions such as helicopters and drones to build and inspect lines. Enprom serves the national transmission grid operator (PSE), cooperates with Poland's largest distribution companies and energy concerns, and develops foreign operations. It employs more than 700 people.

Motivations of the company to expand abroad

The company's strategic objective is to increase revenues and diversify the risks associated with concentrating its activities on the Polish market. Since 2017, the company has been active in Germany, where it has acquired significant contracts from transmission network operators. In addition to the market's size and investment prospects alone, the key advantages of this market are favourable contract execution conditions.

Choice of expansion destination

Market analyses indicate that the power construction sector in Germany will grow rapidly in the coming years. 

Due to the shift away from nuclear and conventional power, and the green transition, the country's transmission networks will require huge expenditures for expansion and modernization, which represents a major opportunity for the development of industry companies operating there, such as Enprom. 

In addition to the sheer size of the market and its investment prospects, a key advantage of this market is the favorable contract execution conditions. Many of the risks associated with rising material prices, settling payments or covering downtime costs if the network cannot be shut down remain with the ordering party. This gives contractors great comfort and predictability of financial results.

Enprom has been present in Germany since 2017, and in that time has already completed significant contracts, and has references, certificates and relationships with major power distribution system operators.

Benefits of expansion

The main objective of the project is to intensify Enprom's growth in the German market. Funding from the fund will enable the company to accelerate the execution of already contracted work and win new orders, and as a result, maintain a double-digit growth rate in the German market.