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Aktualności Publish date: 24 September 2019

ECP awareness campaign is very important

Author Ewa Małyszko President of the Management Board in 2017 - 2024 | PFR TFI

We need a broad discussion and an awareness campaign to reach all employers and employees with complete and reliable information on how the Employee Capital Plans (PPK) are created and about the benefits their bring, says the CEO of PFR Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych (PFR TFI) Ewa Małyszko.

The Employee Capital Plan bill addresses system-based and comprehensive accumulation of savings by Polish people for their future retirement. It is a trilateral project that involves employers, employees and the state. Which is why it is important to start a broad discussion and an awareness campaign to reach all employers and employees with complete and reliable information on how the Employee Capital Plans (PPKs) are created and about the benefits their bring.

– Małyszko said, quoted in the communication.

As per the government bill, PFR Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych will act as the designated institution. It will guarantee employers and employees access to the PPKs because it will be unable to refuse to create PPKs for an employer. This means TFI will be ready to enter into a PPK management agreement with every employer who does not choose a financial institution.

PFR Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych, zgodnie z rządowym projektem ustawy, będzie pełnić funkcję instytucji wyznaczonej. Będzie gwarantował pracodawcom i pracownikom dostęp do oferty PPK, ponieważ podmiot ten nie będzie mógł odmówić utworzenia PPK dla danego pracodawcy. Oznacza to, że PFR TFI będzie gotowe zawrzeć umowę o zarządzanie PPK z każdym pracodawcą, który nie dokona wyboru instytucji finansowej.

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