What are investment funds?

Investment funds constitute a form of collective investment, whose main purpose is to multiply the assets entrusted by participants. It takes place through investing funds in such securities as shares, bonds, treasury bills and other securities. They are created and managed by investment fund associations (towarzystwa funduszy inwestycyjnych – TFI).

On the Polish capital market, we can choose open-end investment funds (fundusze inwestycyjne otwarte – FIO) and alternative ones, among which we can distinguish open specialist investment funds (specjalistyczne fundusze inwestycyjne otwarte – SFIO) and closed-end investment funds (fundusze inwestycyjne zamknięte – FIZ). Currently, PFR TFI manages a total of 16 investment funds which invest, for example, in Polish enterprises commencing expansion into foreign markets, start-ups, innovative companies or utility companies. Our portfolio also includes target-date SFIO with eight separated subfunds, which is intended for the ECP programme.

Information about our funds and valuations can be found in separate tabs. If you want to learn more about current valuations and about FIO, go to the section: Open-end Investment Funds. If you are interested in what we offer concerning Closed-end Investment Funds, please visit the following website.

Why is it worth investing in these funds?

Compared with other forms of investment available on the capital market, investment funds are considered to be very advantageous to investors for several reasons. First of all, high profitability is mentioned as one of key benefits of investing in investment funds. The next argument in favour of investing in funds is transparency and simplicity – investing in funds does not require specialist knowledge, as investment decision making is entrusted to professionals. Of high significance is the security – investment funds and the companies managing them are subject to strict legal regulations which protect the participants’ interests. Moreover, the following public trust institutions ensure that assets allocated in the funds are safe: Polish Financial Supervision Authority, depository bank and transfer agent.

Most important advantages of investing in funds

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Distributed investment risk

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Cost effectiveness

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High liquidity of investments

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Diversification of the investment portfolio

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Professional management of the capital entrusted

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Constant access to information about the position of the fund

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