PFR Starter Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty

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What does the fund do?

The PFR Starter FIZ offer is addressed to companies at an early stage of development – in particular to those entities which plan to develop their activities on the basis of innovative solutions.

The fund was created within the POIR PFR programme (Smart Growth Operational Programme). The fund has a total of PLN 782 million available. The financing is managed in cooperation with financial intermediaries selected under tender procedures (e.g. venture capital funds), which support the financing of a company also by their experience and contacts, due to which the financed companies obtain greater opportunities for commercial success.

Who may benefit from the Fund?

  • New innovative companies
  • Private investors

What purposes or projects are implemented by the fund?

  • Searching on the domestic market for young innovative enterprises which need capital for further development;
  • Investing in promising entities which have not yet started their activities;
  • Commitment of Financial Intermediaries and Private Investors in increasing the innovativeness of companies.
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How does the financing by the PFR Starter FIZ function?

The fund may grant a single company two types of financing:

  • First investment in a company – up to PLN 1 million
  • Possibility of continuing the investment in the company – up to PLN 3 million of the total commitment
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Area of operation and legal requirements

The fund offers support for companies with their registered office or branch in Poland – provided that they plan the development of their activities in Poland, irrespective of plans of development on an international scale. The company’s registered office may be located in the EU, EEA or EFTA region.

Investment period

The fund implements the investment for 8 years: 4 years form the investment period and the next 4 years form the stage of the fund’s exit from the investment.

The period of each stage may be extended by 2 years.

How does the investment process in PFR Starter FIZ function?

The PFR Starter FIZ chooses, in an open and competitive process, the Financial Intermediaries, i.e. venture capital funds. Then it transfers resources to them.

Jak działa proces inwestycyjny w PFR Starter FIZ

What needs to be done to become a Financial Intermediary?

In each case, PFR Ventures Sp. z o.o. managing the PFR Starter FIZ announces a call for the programme on the fund’s website.


Preparation and submission by interested entities of applications in the call process.


Assessment of applications submitted and selection by the Investment Committee of PFR Ventures Sp. z o.o. of the best entities, which will be analysed further.


Detailed examination, which includes direct meetings.


Selection of Financial Intermediaries.

PFR Starter FIZ in short:

Available resources

PLN 782 million

Fund profile

Financing of innovative companies at the earliest stage of development through financial intermediaries (venture capital funds)

Capital entries

First investment in a company: up to PLN 2 million. Possibility of continuation of the investment: up to PLN 4 million. Proportion of financing: max. 80% of PFR Starter FIZ resources, min. 20% - private resource.

Investment period

8 years (with the possibility of the extension by a maximum of 4 years)

Investment process

Open selection of investment entities carried out by PFR Ventures

Fund type

Fund of Funds

Important information

More information about the PFR Starter FIZ is available on the website: PFR Ventures

SFDR Classification

The fund is classified as an Article 6 fund under the EU Sustainable Funding Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which means that sustainability risk is taken into account in the investment decision-making process.

Sustainability risk in the SFDR is defined as: an environmental, social, or governance event, or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment arising from an adverse sustainability impact.

The principles for for considering sustainability risks in investment decisions are set out in the "Strategy for incorporating sustainability risks into PFR TFI S.A.'s investment decision-making process." which is available on that page.

Management of the fund

Logo PFR Ventures.

Record of Investment Funds


Abbreviated name of the fund


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