PFR Biznest Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty

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What does the fund do?

The PFR Biznest FIZ was created to support innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) at an early stage of development.

The PFR Biznest FIZ is the fund of funds, whose beneficiaries are innovative companies at an early stage of development. They may either be an enterprise that:

  • does not conduct activities on any market (Group A), or
  • has been conducting activities on any market for less than 7 years since the first commercial sale (Group B).

The fund strategy is to make investments through financial intermediaries (co-investment funds) cooperating with Business Angels that – by sharing their experience and competences and smart money – increase the financed companies’ chances of commercial success.

What purposes or projects are implemented by the fund?

  • Contributing capital to innovative SMEs together with Business Angels,
  • Establishment and development of an ecosystem: of Business Angels and management teams co-investing with Business Angels,
  • Creation and development of the best standards on the market of Business Angels, including standards of syndication processes.

Who may benefit from the Fund?

  • Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Private investors
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How does the financing by the PFR Biznest FIZ function?

The fund finances companies through capital investments of the Financial Intermediary (co-investing fund) in co-investment with Business Angels in the following proportion:

  • 50% is invested by the financial intermediary (co-investing fund),
  • the remaining 50% of the contribution is made by Business Angels.
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Area of operation and legal requirements:

PFR Biznest skierowany jest do zespołów zarządzających Venture Capital, które planują inwestować w spółki we wczesnej fazie rozwoju (seed, pre-seed) wspólnie z prywatnymi inwestorami ze stosownym kapitałem i doświadczeniem (Aniołami Biznesu). Finansowanie mogą otrzymać spółki, które mają siedzibę i prowadzą działalność gospodarczą w Polsce. Firmy-beneficjenci mogą mieć formę spółki kapitałowej lub komandytowo-akcyjnej.

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Investment period:

The fund implements the investment for 8 years: 4 years form an investment period and the next 4 years form the stage of the fund’s exit from the investment.

Each stage may be extended by 2 years.

Structure of shares after the investment by the fund

The contribution of the PFR Biznest FIZ may range from 5 to 49% of the value of the company’s share.

A single company may obtain PLN 4 million in the following proportion:

  • 50% from the contribution of the Financial Intermediary (co-investment fund), and
  • 50% from the contribution of Business Angels.

How does the investment process in PFR Biznest FIZ function?

Together with the Business Angels, PFR Biznest creates a Financial Intermediary, i.e. the co-investment fund for the given call. Such a fund may be created as one of the following two models: co-investment or non-co-investment.

  • The PFR Biznest transfers resources up to 50% of the fund capitalisation. The remaining 50% is transferred by the Business Angels.
  • In its 50% contribution, the PFR Biznest FIZ transfers up to 96% of the capitalisation – the remaining 4% is transferred by the managing entity.

Co-investment model

Members of the Team of the Entity managing the fund also invest as Business Angels.

Co-investment model.

Non-co-investment model

Members of the Team of the Entity managing the fund are not Business Angels.

Non-co-investment model.

PFR Biznest FIZ in short:

Fund type

Fund of Funds

Available resource

PLN 258 million

Fund profile

Financing of innovative companies at an early stage of development granted by financial intermediaries in cooperation with Business Angels

Capital entries

The maximum investment in a single company may amount to PLN 4 million in the following proportion: 50% from the financial intermediary’s contribution and 50% from the Business Angels’ contribution

Investment process

Open selection of financial intermediaries cooperating with Business Angels carried out through PFR Ventures

Investment period

8 years

Important information

More information about the PFR Biznest FIZ fund is available on PFR Ventures.

SFDR Classification

The fund is classified as an Article 6 fund under the EU Sustainable Funding Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which means that sustainability risk is taken into account in the investment decision-making process.

Sustainability risk in the SFDR is defined as: an environmental, social, or governance event, or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment arising from an adverse sustainability impact.

The principles for for considering sustainability risks in investment decisions are set out in the "Strategy for incorporating sustainability risks into PFR TFI S.A.'s investment decision-making process." which is available on that page.

Management of the fund

Logo PFR Ventures.

Record of Investment Funds

RFI 1451

Abbreviated name of the fund


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