Fundusz Inwestycji Samorządowych FIZ AN

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What is a fund?

The fund was established to co-finance projects created by Local Government Units, other public administration units or subordinate companies, as well as partners in PPP projects.

Funds obtained from the fund allow local governments to implement projects related to the needs of local communities. Thanks to this, local authorities have an impact on the development of infrastructure in the regions. More importantly, these are projects tailored to the specifics of the local community.

Who may benefit from the Fund?

  • Local Governments Units
  • Partners in PPP (public-private partnership) projects

What purposes or projects are implemented by the fund?

  • Strengthening the development processes in Poland through modernisation of the infrastructure base at the local or regional level
  • Ensuring balanced and sustainable economic development
  • Supporting local development
Moneta złotówka

Forms of financing

Local Governments Units may obtain resources from the fund by transferring shares or bonds in local government companies. A Local Governments Units may transfer, for use or lease, shares in municipal companies to the Fund. The fund may engage in co-financing under the Public-Private Partnership model.

Area of operation

The scope of co-financing is very broad and covers such areas as:

  • water supply and sewage systems,
  • heating sector,
  • waste management,
  • regional airports,
  • urban transport,
  • regional railway transport,
  • road infrastructure,
  • social infrastructure.

Local governments may also obtain funds for such facilities as: sport infrastructure, business support infrastructure and urban infrastructure.

Time of investment implementation: up to 20 years.

This time may be reduced if the fund ceases to exist before the end of the maximum period.

Most important advantages

Local Governments Units may obtain many benefits arising from cooperation with the Fund – the most important ones include:

  • acquisition of a stable and professional partner,
  • possibility to benefit from the Fund’s knowledge and experience,
  • possibility to benefit from financing granted by the Fund for the statutory objectives of Local Governments Units or a Company owned thereby,

What needs to be done to receive financing?

The first step is to contact the company managing the fund’s portfolio, i.e. PFR TFI. This can be done through the helpline or contact form. Local governments can choose the Fund as a partner within competitive procedures.

SFDR Classification

The fund is classified as an Article 6 fund under the EU Sustainable Funding Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which means that sustainability risk is taken into account in the investment decision-making process.

Sustainability risk in the SFDR is defined as: an environmental, social, or governance event, or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment arising from an adverse sustainability impact.

The principles for for considering sustainability risks in investment decisions are set out in the "Strategy for incorporating sustainability risks into PFR TFI S.A.'s investment decision-making process." which is available on that page.

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